Sunday, October 3, 2010

Whale Dreaming

I will never be the same after what we experienced today!
Whales Everywhere!
You could touch them; smell their breath,
they were singing all around us.
It was pure magic!
Everyone old and young poised with binoculars and cameras of all sizes exclaiming amazement in different languages.
Yesterday this whale watching boat saw zero whales.
Today, I have no idea how many to guess...from horizon to horizon blowholes, tails, flooks, they circled our boat for an hour and looked in our eyes.

What a gift!
We will follow their migration down the coast and continue singing with them.

Tonight we are treating ourselves to the Captains Inn Bed & Breakfast in Moss Landing. After being told that there is no camping here and if we want to sleep on the beach then we need to bring a knife, we decided to splurge. And are now hunkered down by the fire sipping tea and remembering the incredible sights and sounds of the day.


  1. We sure enjoyed your visit at to the Captain's Inn at Moss Landing. Try our blog to see this cute pair at the Bed and Breakfast. Have a great trek and we hope to see you agian - maybe for an anniversary.

  2. Pete and Kati,
    I LOVE your blog, am so jealous! Continue to have a blast, we are traveling with you in spirit! Carol & Dave
